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What Does It Mean to Lift 'Heavy'?

Lift heavy to build muscle: that’s advice you’ve probably seen in a million places. But how heavy is “heavy,” and how do you know if your workout qualifies?

There’s no specific number of pounds that will constitute “heavy” for everyone. What’s heavy for a teenage girl picking up a dumbbell for the first time will be a lot less than what’s heavy for a pro strongman. (If you do want to compare...

I Want to Lose Weight. Should I Be Doing Low-Intensity Cardio or HIIT Training?

If you had to pick the better runner — a sprinter or a marathoner — the answer would depend on the type of race. In a 200-meter race, the sprinter will have an edge over the marathoner, but if it calls for, say, 18 miles, the marathoner will outrun the sprinter.

That’s how you should think about high-intensity interval....

How to Take a Guilt-Free Mental Health Day & Make the Most of It

It seems that we all can agree that if you’re not feeling well, you should stay home from work. If your nose is running, you have a fever or severe cough, calling in sick for work is a no-brainer. But why do we only allow ourselves time off for those types of “sick” and not others? (Especially now that so many of us are working full-time from home!)...

Oranges for Immunity: Healthy or Over-Hyped?

Oranges are the poster child for immune health—I can barely think about vitamin C without envisioning a crate of navel oranges on my countertop, ready to cure whatever's ailing. But if you've ever wondered how much of an orange's immune-boosting health halo is backed by science and how much was ingrained in you by your second grade school...

Ask a Beauty Editor: How to Know Your Skin Type

Last week, I talked about the best moisturizers for combination skin, but that brought me to another more simple—but essential—skincare question from a reader: how to know what type of skin you have. Although it's impossible to categorize something as nuanced as your skin into a singular class, it does serve as a good baseline when looking...

7 Healthy Breakfast Casseroles You Won’t Want to Sleep On

Casseroles have long been a dinnertime go-to for many reasons: One, they get a well-rounded meal on the table that doesn't require a ton of active cooking time and only dirty one main dish in the process. Plus, a single casserole yields enough servings to feed a crowded table or produce plenty of leftovers for easy lunches, another perk—especially during busy weeks...

How An Ab Wheel Helps With Core Strength and Overall Stability

While there are more than enough ab workouts out there to keep your core busy, nothing quite compares to the intensity of ab wheel exercises. When used correctly, an ab wheel can work several muscles simultaneously, toning your core and your arms. Not bad for such a small piece of equipment! POPSUGAR spoke with certified trainers to learn...

30 Minutes of Intense Exercise in the Cold Can Cause Lung Strain and Wheezing

Colder weather is perfect for winter sports like skiing, snowshoeing, or even snowy runs. But when temperatures drop below 30 degrees, it may be time to scale back the intensity, according to Michael Kennedy, professor of kinesiology, sport, and recreation at the University of Alberta...

5 Mistakes You're Making When Walking & How to Fix Them

Walking is one of the healthiest and most accessible ways to move your body. It can improve blood sugar, boost your heart health and can even help you live longer. One study found that walking just three times per week could significantly reduce dementia risk, too. Best of all, walking is totally free, requires no gym and can take as much or as little...

13 Pilates Benefits That Will Make You Want to Switch Up Your Workouts

There are tons of Pilates benefits that make it a great exercise modality, but we get it: Pilates, with all those elaborate props and intricate poses you may see on social media, can seem out of reach for a lot of people.

The truth, though? It’s actually a super-accessible and scalable kind of workout, and folks at all fitness levels...

Showing 21 to 30 of 55 (6 Pages)